Day 1- The Stroke
October 25, 2022
Husband and wife, Jerry and Frances have been a staple in the wrestling community for over 20 years. They are the resident athletic trainers. So, on October 25, 2022 when Frances started experiencing severe vertigo and had to opt out of a wrestling tournament, Jerry knew something was up.
After a few hours of being confined to a bed, Frances was groggy, dizzy, and sensitive to light. And then she began experiencing numbness on her left side - she was having a stroke. Frances called Jerry who rushed her to a hospital. Life-saving measures were taken and Frances spent 6 days in the hospital. But the stroke was devastating.
Frances lost function of her entire left-side, the ability walk, perform ordinary tasks, and most-devastatingly, her independence. And, of course, her ability to help at wrestling events! Pictured here, she smiled through the tragedy and refused to be broken by any diagnosis.
Frances Laforteza - October 25, 2022