Treating Stroke with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
One woman’s journey to recovery from the side-effects of America’s leading cause of disability and death.

Day 1- The Stroke
Husband and wife, Jerry and Frances have been a staple in the wrestling community for over 20 years …

Day 16 - First Treatment
Frances is confined to a wheelchair. Jerry cannot work because his full-time job is now caring for his wife …

Day 19 - After Treatment 3
Frances is three treatments into a process that what we call “front-loading.” The idea here is to do five treatments consecutively in an attempt …

Day 28 - After Treatment 7
In the words of Frances’ husband himself : “PRAISE THE LORD SHE’S BACK BABY!” …

Day 35 - Treatment 11
Today was an amazing day. On the day of her 11th treatment, Frances WALKED into our facility with a cane…

Day 42 - Treatment 14
Just as the excitement of her last journey into our Recovery Center died down, Frances gave us reason for another celebration …

Day 46 - Treatment 16
In wrestling, you’re taught to set high standards for yourself. To work hard to achieve far reaching goals. And to never, ever give up …

Day 60 - After Treatment 22
No one can say it any better than Jerry did:

Day 64 - Treatment 24
Here at the Recovery Center, it was business as usual. Until we received an exciting message from the Laforteza family …