Soft - Shell Chamber


Here’s why …

Hard - Shell Chamber


  1. Most soft-shell chambers DO NOT provide enough pressure to infuse a therapeutic amount of oxygen into the blood, tissues, and cerebral fluid.

  2. Soft-shell chambers DO NOT provide the same benefits and results as hard-shell chambers.

… in the United States, it is illegal for soft-shell chambers to pressurize beyond 1.3 ATA. However, 1.3 ATA is not enough pressure to stimulate epigenetic changes.There are over 5,600 cellular mechanisms of action in the body that take place at different saturation levels of oxygen and those do not start until 1.5 ATA. These include:

  • Collagen Production

  • Growth Factors

  • Mitochondrial production & function

  • Decrease Inflammation

  • Promote blood vessel growth & proliferation

There are some very bad studies lately that indicate that 1.3 ATA has the same results as 2.4 ATA. However, in these studies, everything is subjective and there are no real metrics associated with these studies. When metrics are applied: 

  • There is little evidence of benefit 

  • There is evidence of harm. At 1.3 ATA and below, the higher oxygen can feed bacteria.

Henry’s Law states: “At a constant temperature, the amount of gas that dissolves in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid.” As the pressure of a gas increases above a liquid, more of that gas will dissolve into the liquid. It is simple science then to conclude that at higher pressures, when more gas (oxygen) is dissolved into liquid (blood plasma), there will be more benefit to the body and infliction.